Monday, September 15, 2008


Today is the first day of the rest of my life. T
oday, I say no to toxic relationships, thoughts, people, words, and actions.
Today, I start treating myself, like I will be treated by others.
Today, I take responsibility for my words, thoughts and actions, and how they may impact people, relationships, and situations around me.
Today, I realize that my past is done, my present is slowly unfolding, and my future is brightly yet to come.
Today, I begin taking the steps to get healthy, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. My body is my temple, most importantly, it is the temple of the Holy Spirit, the only one I have, and I must take care of it with all I have.
Today, I decided to stop looking to others for happiness and love.
Today, I decided to grow up, and be real.
Today, I decided to stop wondering, and worrying, and placed all aspects of my life in the Hands of my heavenly father, give myself up as a sacrifice of faith and make the best effort in all endeavors.

Because of today, all of my Tomorrows will be much better.
My S.O. sent this to me...what a way to start off a Monday! I am making this a declaration in my own life....

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